Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Structure A Summary

(+) S + Am/is/are + Infinitive
(-) S + Am/is/are + Not + Infinitive
Example :        (+) I am 32 years old. My sister is 29
                        (-) I’m tired but I’m not hungry

Am/is/are (questions)
Am/is/are + S + Infinitive ?
This is used to yes or no questions.
Example : Am I late? No, you are on time.

QW + Am/is/are + S + Infinitive ?
Example : Where is your mother? Is She at home?

I am doing (present continuous)
S + Is/am/are + V1-ing
Example : Please be quiet. I am working.

Are you doing? (present continuous questions)
Is/am/are + S + V1-ing?
QW + is/am/are + S + V1-ing?
Example :        Are you felling OK?
                        What is Paul doing?

I do/work/like etc. (present simple)
S + V1 (s/es) + O
I/you/we/they = read, like, work, live, watch, do, have.
He/she/it = reads, likes, works, lives, watches, does, has.
Example : I work in a shop. My brother works in a bank.

I don’t (present simple negative)
S + V1 (s/es) + infinitive
Example : Sue drinks tea but she doesn’t drink coffe.

Do you…? (present simple questions)
Do/does + S + V1?
Example : Do you like music?
Qw + do/does + S + V1?
Example : What does this world mean?

I am doing and I do. (present contiuous and present simple)
Present contiuous : S + V1-ing + infinitive.
Example : Tom is having a shower at the moment (not ‘Tom has’)
Present simple : S + V1 (s/es) + infinitive.
Example : I work every day from 9 o’clock to 5.30.

I have…/I’ve got
S + have/has + Infinitive or S + have/has + got + infinitive.
Example : I’ve got a blue eyes. (or I have blue eyes.)

(+) S + was/were + infinitive.
(-) S + was/were + not + infinitive.
(?) Was/were + S + infinitive…?
Example : I was tired last night.

Worked/got/went etc. (past simple)
S + V3 + infinitive.
Example : Terry worked in a bank from 1986 to 1993.

I didn’t… did you…? (past simple negative and questions)
(-) S + did + not + V1 + infinitive.
Example : I didn’t watch television yesterday.
(?) Did + S + V1 + infinitive?
Example : Did you do the shopping?

I was doing (past contiuous)
S + was/were + V1-ing + infinitive.
Example : She was playing tennins.

I was going (past contiuous) and I did (past simple)
Past contiuous : S + was/were + V1-ing + infinitive
Example : He was reading a book.
Past simple : S + V3 + infinitive.
Example : He answered the phone.

I have done (present simple)
(+) S + have/has + V3.
Example : We have bought a new car.

I’ve just… I’ve already… I haven’t…yet. (present perfect 2)
I’ve just : S + have/has + just + V3 + infinitive.
Example : They have just arrived.
I’ve already : S + have/has + already + V3 + infinitive.
Example : They have already arrived.
I haven’t…yet : S + have/has + not + V3 + yet.
Example : They haven’t arrived yet.

Have you ever…? (present perfect 3)
S + have been/ have had/ have played + infinitive.
Example : I’ve been to Spain.

How long have you…? (present perfect 4)
S + have/has been + infinitive.
Example : She has been in Ireland.

For, since, ago.
We use for and since to say How long:
Example :        She has been there for three days.
                        She has been there since Monday.
Ago = before now.
Example : Susan started her now job three weeks ago.

I have done (present perfect) and I did (past simple)
Present perfect : S + have/has + V3 + infinitive.
Example : I have lost my key.
Past simple : S + V3 + Infinitive.
Example : I lost my key last week.

UNIT  21
Is done                        was done (passive 1)
Present simple : S + to be + V3 + infinitive
Example : The office is cleaned every day.
Past simple : S + was/were + V3 + infinitive
Example : The office was cleaned yesterday.

Is being done  has been done (passive 2)
Present contiuous passive : S + to be + being + V3 + infinitive.
Example : The office is being cleaned at the moment.
Present simple passive : S + to be + V3 + infinitive.
Example : The office is cleaned every day.

Be/have/do in present and past tenses
A.     Be (= am/is/are/was/were) + -ing (cleaned/working etc.)
Am/is/are + -ing (present continous)
·         Please be quiet. I’m working.
Was/were + -ing (past continous)
·         I was working when she arrived.
B.     Be + past pariciple (cleaned/made/aeten etc)
Am/is/are + past participle (passive present simple)
·         The room is cleaned every day.
Was/were +pastparticiple (passive past simple)
·         The room was cleaned yesterday

C.     Have/has + past participle (cleaned/lost/eaten/been etc.)
Have/has + past participle (present perfect)
·         Tom has lost his passport.
UNIT 24         
Regular and irregular verb
A.     Regular verb adalah kata kerja tunggala
The past simple and past participle of regular verbs is –e        d
Past simple (11)
·         I cleaned my shoes yesterday
Present perfect = have/has + past participle
·         I have cleaned my shoes.
Passive = be (is/are/were/has been etc) + past participle (Unit 21-22)
·         There rooms are cleaned every day.
B.     Irregular verbs adalah kata kerja tidak beraturan.
The past simple and past participle of irrigular verbs are not –ed

Past simple
Past participle

I used to …
A.     You can say I used to work …/ she used to have …/ they used to be … etc
·         When I was a child, I used to like chocolate
The negative is I didn’t use to … :
·         When I was a child I didn’t use to like tomatoes
The question is did you use to … ?
·         Where did you use to live before you came here:

B.     Use used to … only for the past. You cannot say ‘I used to … (present):
·         I used to play tennis. These days I play golf. (not ‘I use to play golf’)

What are you doing tomorrow?
A.     Use am/are/is + -ing (present continous) for something happening now.
·         Where are Sue and Caroline?   ‘They’re playing tennis in the park
Also use am/is/are + -ing for the future (tomorrow / next week etc):
·         Andrew is playing tennis tomorrow
·         I’m not working next week.
B.     I am doing something tomorrow = I have arranged to do it, I have a plan to do it
·         We’re having a party next weekend’
C.     Do not use the present simple (I stay/do you go etc,) for plans and arrangeents:
·         I’m staying at home this evening. (not ‘I stay)
·         Are you going uot tonight? (not “do you go’)

UNIT 27         
I’m going to …
A.     I’m going to … adalah digunakan untuk future tenses dan future perfect tenses
Rumus:            (+) S + tobe + going to + v1
            (-)  S + tobe + not + going to + v1
            (?) tobe + S + going to + v1
B.     I am going to do  something = I have dicided to do it, my intentoin is to do it:
·         I’m going to buy some books tmorrow
C.     Something is going to happen
·         Look at the sky! It’s going to rain (black cloud now -  rain)

UNIT 28          will/shall (1)
A.     Will/shall (akan)
Rumus: s + will + v1
B.     Use will for the future (tomorrow / next week etc.)
·         Sue travels a lot. Today she is in Madrid. Tomorrow she’ll be in Rome. Next week she’ll be in Tokyo.
Often say I think … will …
·         I think Diana will pass the exam.
C.     Shall
You can say I shall and we shall
·         I shall be late tomorrow
But do not use shall with you/they/he/she/it:
·         Tom will be late. (not ‘Tom shall be.)

UNIT 29         
Will/shall (2)
A.     You can use I’ll…..when you offer or decide to do something:
·         My bag is very heavy              ‘I’ll carry it for you’.
Often say I think  I’ll …. /I don’t think I’ll …./ when we decide to do something
·         I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.
Do not use the present simple (I go/ I phone etc.) in sentences like these:
·         I’ll phone you tomorrow, OK? (not ‘I phone you’)
·         I think I’ll go to bed arely. (not ‘I go to bed’)
B.     Do not use I’ll  … for something you decided before (Unit 26-27)
·         I’m working tomorrow. (not ‘I’ll’)
C.     Shall I …. ?      shall we …. ?
Shall I/we …. ? = do you think this a good thing to do? Do you think this is a good idea?
·         It’s very warm in this room. Shall I open the window?
·         It’s a nice day. Shall we go for a walk?

A.     Might (mungkin akan) adalah sesuatu yang ingin dilakukan tetapi belum pasti akan dikerjakan.
Rumus: (+) s + might + v1
            (-)  s + might + not + v1
            (?) may + s + v1
B.     I might …… = it is possible that I will … :
·         I might go to the cinema this evening. (tidak pasti akan pergi)
Study the difference:
·         I’m playing tennis tomorrow. (pasti)
I might play  tennis tomorrow. (tidak pasti)
C.     The negative is might not:
·         I might not go to work tomorrow.
D.     May (lebih kuat, sopan dari might)
Can use may in the same way. Imay … = I might
·         I may go to the cinema this evening.
Untuk kalimat tanya    may I …. ? = is it OK to … /can I … ?
·         May I ask a question? (=can I … ?)
UNIT 31         
Can and could
A.     Can = dapat     dan      could = bisa atau dapat dalam bentuk yang lebih sopan
Rumus:            (+) s + can + v1
      (-)  s+ can + not + v1
      (?) can + s + v1
·         I can play the piano
B.     I can do something
·         I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano too.
C.     Untuk waktu lampau (yeterday / last week etc.). digunakan could/couldn’t:
·         When I was young. I could run vey fast.
D.     Can you … ?   Could … ?       can I … ?         could … ?
We use Can you … ?   or Could you … ? when we ask people to do thing:
·         Can you open the door, please            or         Could you open the door, people?
·         Can you wait a moment, please? Or    Could you wait … ?
We use Can I have … ?           or Could I have … ? to ask for something:
·         Can I have these posteards, please? Or Could I have … ?
Can I … ?        or Could I … ? = it is OK to do something?:
·         Tom, can I borrow your umbrella? Or Tom, could I borrow your umbrella?

UNIT 32          must     mustn’t                        needn’t (harus / wajib)
A.     Must, rumus: s + must + v1
Mustn’t, rumus: s + mustn’t + v1
Needn’t, rumus: s + need + v1
B.     Use must when you thing it is necessary to do something
·         The window are very dirty. I must clean them.
Untuk past digunakan had to … bukan must
·         We had to go to the bank yesterday. (not “We must go … yesterday)

C.     Mustn’t
I mustn’t (do something) = it is necessary not to do it, it is the wrong thing to do.
·         I must hungry. I mustn’t be late.
D.     Needn’t
I needn’t (do something)
·         I needn’t clean the window. They aren’t very dirty.
Can also say don’t need you
·         I don’t need to clean the window.
UNIT 33         
A.     Should adalah untuk menyatakan saran, seharusnya atau sebaiknya.
Rumus: s + should + v1 + o/c
            S + should + not + v1 = o/c
B.     Should do something
·         It’s a good film. You should go and see it.
C.     Shouldn’t do something
·         Tom shouldn’t go to bed so late.
D.     Must lebih kuat daripada should. Must mengharuskan untuk dikerjakan dan ada sangsi jika tidak melakukannya, sedangkan should hanya menyarankan sebaiknya atau seharusnya dan tidak mrngharuskan untuk dikerjakan. Contoh:
·         It’s a good film. You should go and see it
·         It’s a fantastic film. You must go and see it.

UNIT 34         
I have to …
A.     I have to sama dengan must yaitu harus.
Rumus: s + have to + v1
·         I’ll be late for work tomorrow. I have to go to the dentist.
B.     Bentuk waktu lampau diginakan had to … :
·         I was late for work yesterday. I had to go to the dentist.
C.     Dalam kalimat tanya dan negatif digunakan do/does (present) dan did (past)
Present:            (?) do/does + s + have to + v1
(-) s + do/does + not + have to + v1
Past:     (?) did + s + have to + v1
(-) s + didn’t + have to + v1
·         What time do you have to go to the dentist tomorrow?

UNIT 35         
would you like … ?     I’d like …
A.     Would you like … ? adalah menawarkan sesuatu.
Would you like digunakan untuk menawarkan.
·         Would you like some coffee?
Would you like digunakan untuk mengundang seseorang.
·         Would you like to go for a walk?
B.     I’d like … amenunjukkan ingin, suka dengan cara yang lebih sopan.
·         I’m thirsty. I’d like a drink.
C.     Would you like …?     Do you like … ?
Would you like digunakan untuk menawarkan, sedangkan do you like menanyakan pendapat tentang sesuatu
·         Would you like some coffee?  Yes, please.
·         Do you like?    Yes, I do

 UNIT 36        
there is             there are
A.     There is (ada) digunakan  untuk bentuk tunggal (singular). Contoh:
·         There’s big tree in the garden.
·         Excuse me, is there a hotel near here?
There are (ada) digunakan untuk bentuk jamak (plural). Contoh:
·         There are some big trees in the garden.
·         Are there any latters for me today?

UNIT 37         
there will be
A.     There was / there were digunakan dalam bentuk lampau (past).contoh:
·         There is a good film on TV tonight.
B.     There has been / there have been digunakan dalam bentuk lampau, sekarang, akan dating. Contoh:
·         Look! There’s been an accident.
C.     There will be (akan ada/terjadi) menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi atau perkiraan. Contoh:
·         Do you think there will be a lot of people at the party on Sunday.
UNIT 38         
it …
A.     It adalah kata ganti. Digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu/hari/jarak/cuaca. Contoh:
·         What time is it?           
·         It’s a nice day today.

B.     It’s nice today ….. etc
·         It’s nice to see you again.

UNIT 39         
I am     I don’t etc.
A.     I am / I’m not etc dapat digunakan setelah kata Yes da No. contoh:
·         are you tired?   Yes, I am / No, I’m not.
B.     Do/does digunakan untuk present simple. Conth:
·         I don’t like hot weather but Seu does.
Did digunakan untuk bentuk lampau.
·         Did you and Jhon enjoy the film?       I did but Jhon didn’t.

UNIT 40         
have you … ?  are you … ?     don’t you?
A.     Kita dapat mengatakan have you? / is it? / can’t he? Untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang menarik atu mengejutkan. Contoh:
·         It’s raining again.         Is it? It was sunny ten minutes ago.
Do/does dugunakan untuk present simple dan did untuk past simple. Contoh?
·         I speak four languages.                        Do you? Which ones.
B.     Question tags adalah pertanyaan yang mengiakan atau membenarkan. Contoh:
·         It’s a beautiful day. Isn’t it?     Yes, it’s lovely.

UNIT 41         
too/either         so am I / neither do I etc.
A.     Too dan either yaitu juga atau persis sama, ini biasa digunakan dalam percakapan. Biasanya either dipakai dalam bentuk negative. Contoh:
·         A: I’m happy.              A: I’m not happy.
B: I’m happy too.        B: I’m not happy either. (bukan ‘I’m not … too)
B.     So am I / neither do I etc.
·         A: I’m working.                       A: I haven’t got a key.
B: So am I.                   B: Neither have i.

Note that we say: So am I (not So I am), neither have I (not ‘Neither I have’)
UNIT 42          isn’t     haven’t                        don’t etc. (negative)
A.     We use not in negative sentences:


I’m not tired
It isn’t raining
There aren’t here
Julian wasn’t hungry
The shops weren’t open.
B.     Don’t / doesn’t / didn’t
Don’t dan does digunakan dalam kalimat present simple negative.
Didn’t dipakai dalam kalimat past simple negative.
·         I don’t work today.
Don’t …. Biasanya untuk menyatakan larangan. Contoh:
·         Look!                          Don’t look.
·         Wait for me.                Don’t wait for me.

UNIT 43         
is it … ?                       have you … ?  do they … ? etc. (question 1)
A.     Rumus: tobe + s + v1. Contoh:
·         Where has David gone? (not ‘Where has gone David?’)
B.     Do … ? / does … ? / did … ?
Do/does + S + v1         untuk present simple question.
Did +S + v1                 untuk past simple question.
·         Do they work hard?
·         Does Chris work hard?
·         Did they work hard?

C.     Why isn’t … ? / why don’t … ? etc. (why + negative).
·         Where’s John? Why isn’t he here?
·         Why can’t Paula come to the meeting tomorrow?
·         Why didn’t you phone me last night?

UNIT 44         
who say you?  Why did you see? (question 2)
A.     Who saw you? Kalimat menanyakan seseorang dalam bentuk sekarang.
Why did you see? Kalimat yang menanyakan kejadian dalam bentuk waktu lampau.
B.     In these question, who/what is the subject.
·         Who lives in this house?
·         What happened?
In these question who/what is the object:
·         Who did you meet yesterday?
·         What did Paul say?
C.     Who dipakai untuk orang. What dipakai untuk benda, pendapat dll.
·         Who is your favourite singer?
·         What is your favourite song?

UNIT 45         
who is she talking to?              What is it like? (question 3)
A.     Who is she talking to? Menanyakan kepada orang yang berbicara tetapi tidak melihat atau berbicara dari jarak yang jauh dengan melalui media komonikasi.
Dalam kalimat Tanya dimulai dengan who…? /what …? /where…?/ which….?, preposisi (to/from/with etc.) biasanya diletakkan di akhir kalimat.
·         Where are you from?   I’m from Thailand.
B.     What is like? / what are they like? Etc.
What is like? Kalimat ini untuk menanyakan pendapat,
·         A: there’s a new restaurant in our street.
B: what’s it like? Is it good?
A: I don’t know. I haven’t eaten there yet.

UNIT 46          what … ?         which …?        How … ?
A.     What + noun (what color … ? / what kind … ? etc.)
·         What colour is your car?
·         What size is this shirt.
B.     Which + noun (benda atau orang)
·         which train did you catch – the 9.50 or the 10.30?
Which dipakai tanpa noun untuk benda yang bukan orang.
·         Which is bigger – Canada or Australia?
Who dipakai untuk oerang tanpa nuon.
·         Who is taller – Bill or Garry?

C.     Gunakan which ketika memikirkan tentang beberapa angka yang tidak pasti atau kemungkinan.
·         We can go this way or that way. Which way shall we go?
What adalah sesuatu yang umum.
·         What sort of music do you like?
D.     How …. ?
Dapat digunakan haw + adj/adv (how tall / how old / how often etc.)
·         How tall are you?        I’m 1 metre 70.
·         How old is your mother?         She’s 45.
·         How often do you use you car?                       Every day.

UNIT 47          how long does it take … ?
A.     How long does it take… ? pertanyaan yang menyatakan berapa waktu jarak (sekitar). Biasanya dilengkapi dengan kata from ….to…?. contoh:
·         How long does it take by plane from London to Madrid?
B.     Untuk menyatakan berapa waktu jarak dari awal atu memulai hingga selesai. Digunakan it takes/took/will take….to… contoh:
·         It takes a long time to learn a language.

UNIT 48         
do you know where … ?                     I don’t know what … etc.
A.     Do you know where …? Adalah menanyakan keberadaan benda atau orang.
I don’t know what …. Etc. adalah pernyataan atas jawaban keberadaan. Contoh:
·         Do you know where Paula is? I don’t know where Paula is.
B.     Pertanyaan dengan do / does (present simple) dan did (past simple).
·         I don’t know what Jane wants?
C.     Pertanyaan dimulai dengan is…? / do….? / can…? Etc.

UNIT 49         
she said that …                        he told me that …
A.     Said that …  berbicara pada waktu sekarang, sedangkan told me that … menceritakan yang sudah terjadi kepada orang lain yang sudah dibicarakan kepada kita. Contoh:


Last week you went to a party. A lot of your friends were there. Here are some things they said to you:

I’m enjoying my new job

Today you meet Paul. You tell him about the party. You tell Paul what your friends said:

Diane said that she was enjoying her new job.

B.     Say and tell
Say adalah perkataan yang dikatakan kepada kita, sedangkan tell adalah menceritakan kepada orang lain apa yang dibicarakan tadi (say). Contoh:
·         He said that he was tired.
·         What did she say to you?
·         He told me that he was tired.
·         What did she tell you?

UNIT 50         
work/working              go/going           do/doing
A.     Work/go/do etc adalah kata kerja ke-1.
Bisa menggunakan kata kerja ke-1 dengan will/can/must etc:
·         Ann will be here soon.
B.     Working/going/playing etc.
Kata kerja ke-1 + ing.
Am/is/are + -ing (present continous). Contoh:
·         I’m working.
Was/were + -ing (past continous). Contoh:
·         It was raining, so we didn’t go out.

UNIT 51         
to … (I want to do) and –ing (I enjoy doing)
A.     Verbs + -ing … (I want to do)
·         What do you want to do this evening?
B.     Verb + -ing (I enjoy doing)
·         I enjoy dancing.
C.     Would like to … (etc)
·         I’d to go to Australia.
·         I wouldn’t like to be a techer.

UNIT 52         
I want you to …                       I told you to…
A.     I want you to …. Adalah menginginkan, mengharapkan.
·         I want you to be happy.
B.     Dapat juga digunakan dengan susunan (verb + somebody + to …). Contoh:
·         I told you to be careful.
C.     I told you… / I told you not to…
Told you adalah perkataan orang kepada kita dan kita ceritakan kembali kepada orang. Contoh:
·         Ann told me to wait for her.
D.     Make and let
Sesudah meke dan let jangan menggunakan to. Contoh:
·         He’s very funny. He makes me lough.

UNIT 53         
I went to the shop to …
A.     I went to… yaitu pergi ke…untuk. Contoh:
·         She went to the shop to buy a newspaper.
To… (to buy / to see etc) menceritakan sebab seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Contoh:
·         Why are you going out?                       To get some bread.
B.     To … and for
To + verb (to buy / to see etc.)
·         I went to the shop to buy a news paper.
For + noun (for a newspaper / for food etc.)
·         I went to the shop for a newspaper.
C.     Wait for….(menuggu untuk)
·         Please wait for me.
Wait to (menuggu untuk mengerjakan sesuatu)
·         Hurry up! I’m waiting to go.
Wat for (menuggu untuk seseorang/sesuatu)
·         Are you waiting for the doctor to come?

UNIT 54         
go to …                        go on …                       go for …          go –ing
A.     Go to yaitu pergi ke (menuju), (go to work/go to London/go to a concert etc.)
·         What time do you usually go to work?
·         Tom didn’t want to go the concert.
B.     Go on …
·         We’re going on holiday next week.
C.     Go for … pergi ke (suatu tempat) tidak tahu pasti dimana. Contoh:
·         Where’s Ann?  She’s gone for a walk.
D.     Go + -ing
Go + -ing kebanyakan digunakan dalam olahraga (swimming / skiing etc) dan juga berbelanja. Contoh:
·         I go swimming.

UNIT 55         
A.     Get + noun = mendapatkan/mengambil/membeli/menemukan.
·         Did you get my letter? Yes, I got it yesterday.
B.     Get to a place = tiba,sampai atau datang. Contoh:
·         I usually get to work before 8.30 (= tiba bekerja)
Get home (jangan gunakan to):
·         What time did you get home last night?
C.     Get in/out/on/off = masuk/keluar/naik/turun.
·         Kate got in the car and drove away.

UNIT 56         
do and make
A.     Do = tindakan yang bentuknya umum. Contoh:
·         What are you doing this evenig?
B.     Make = membuat atau menciptakan. Contoh:
·         She’s making coffe
·         He has made a cake.

UNIT 57         
A.     Have and have got telah dibahas pada unit 9
I have got (something) or I have (something). Contoh:
·         I’ve got a new car. Or I have a new car.
·         Sue has got long hair. Or          sue has long hair.
Bentuk lampau : I had (tanpa got) / I didn’t have / did you have?
·         When I first met Sue, she had short hair.
B.     Have breakfast / have a shower etc.
·         Where’s Ann?  She’s having lunch.
·         I don’t usually have breakfast.

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